Mbah Gendengs : The EU Commission appears to be willing to adopt a soft approach to cybersecurity when it opens its market to European mobile operators such as Ericsson and Nokia.
"If China drops the informal restriction on the market share of foreign suppliers to 25 percent, the EU Commission is prepared to refrain from mandatory safety checks," it says in EU circles. Instead, China should agree at the EU-China summit on April 9, a voluntary commitment, not to spy in the EU. Chinese vendors such as Huawei and ZTE could benefit from expanding the 5G network in Europe by assuring that they do not allow espionage.
The federal government would oppose the solution because it wants to avoid a Lex Huawei, which could lead to reprisals for German companies in China. Moreover, Europe would not position itself clearly for the US and China. At their Summit on Friday, EU leaders will commission the EU Commission to develop a common approach to security in 5G networks.
Mbah Gendeng
Title:EU wants market opening in return for soft rules at 5G
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